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Isfahan to Yazd in two days or vice versa

  • Camel riding in the middle of Mesr village is the highlight in Isfahan to Yazd in two days or vice versa
  • Meet cute and funny camels in Iran on your way Isfahan to Yazd in two days or vice versa
  • Visit Kharanaq village and a lot of other beautiful attractions on Isfahan to Yazd in two days or vice versa tour.
  • Camel riding in the middle of Mesr village is the highlight in Isfahan to Yazd in two days or vice versa
  • Meet cute and funny camels in Iran on your way Isfahan to Yazd in two days or vice versa
  • Visit Kharanaq village and a lot of other beautiful attractions on Isfahan to Yazd in two days or vice versa tour.
Isfahan, Iran
2 days

English Commentary Tour

Discover the Eternal attractions in between Yazd and Isfahan main highlights on a two full-days guided tour and enjoy staying in the middle of desert and watch the stars at night.

per adult

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Departure time: 8 AM

Arrival Time: 6 PM the next day


Iran is a big country and most of the time there are hundreds of kilometers distance in between each city there are lots of beautiful attractions which you must visit.  Central desert in Iran is one of the main deserty attractions of Iran specially Mesr desert. watching beautiful and wide landscape view on endless roads deep to the desert behind cars window and listening to relaxing music on Isfahan to Yazd in two days tour is something you can not refuse.

On Isfahan to Yazd in two days, you will visit the most beautiful attraction of the desert

like Mesr village and it,s desert

Garmeh village with wonderful oasis of central desert of Iran

Kharanag village charming village in the middle of desert

Naein city

Naein city is located 150 kilometers far from Isfahan. Where we will have a stop firstly to visit Jame mosque of Naein. Afterward we continue to Mesr village.

Mesr O/N stay

Mesr desert village located in the middle of Iran Dasht e Kavir desert.  In the same day afternoon, we will go dipper to the desert by a Safari car 4WD and visit four attraction of this desert and at the end, we will watch the sunset (optional) or walk over dunes beside Mesr village and end with watching the sunset and at night we will watch stars.


Beautiful  Garmeh Oasis village located on our way where we will amaze by lots of palm trees and we will visit a fish pool Therefore you can enjoy fish therapy.

Kharanaq village

Abandoned village of Kharaneq which is located 75 Km northeast of  Yazd and the citadel considered as one of old villages in Iran (around 4000years old) above all ruined houses and narrow alleys in a short time would spell you.

This village is famous for its amazing landscape views, on the other hand, it would remind you of the location of a famous movie.


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