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Yazd to Garme&Mesr day trip

Isfahan, Iran
8 hour,s

English Commentary Tour

Discover the Eternal attractions in between Yazd desert and Isfahan desert main highlights on a full-day guided tour and enjoy desert landscape view.

per adult

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Departure time: 8 AM any day

Arrival Time : 6 PM


Kharaneq Village

The beautiful village of Kharanaq located 75 km far from Yazd on our way to Mesr . The abandoned citadel looks like the Star war movie location with a beautiful shaking Minaret , mosque , public bath and an Aqua duct.

Bayazeh Village

Another village in the middle of the desert with abandoned citadel with an active Ghanat ( under ground water system ) makes this village different . You will test a local food in the village.


The oasis village like Garmeh with it,s palm trees is exact feeling of desert you are looking for, where you are offering to put your feet in the pond of fishes.


The sand duns of Mesr and camping in the desert is your destination . Enjoy this village and stay in it,s guest house .






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